Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pervasive Networking

Facebook seems to be growing and expanding more and more everyday. The infusion of technology throughout Europe and Asia in the past decade has added millions of users to the Facebook community. Now more than ever is Facebook a great way to keep up with old friends or make new ones who have interests similar to yours; as well as network. Networking through Facebook has become even more relevant recently due to the ability to "tag" friends in a status to where the status shows up on their page. This new feature is similar to twitter where users can respond to others' tweets. The importance behind this new edition to Facebook is to make others pay attention. Plain and simple. Whether someone is looking for a job or just wants to hold a casual debate with someone 3,000 miles away, this new tagging feature will allow users to get their attention. In my business writing class we had a social media guru come in to speak to our class. He presented us with one stunning example of tagging a person in a status. The gentleman was helping his friend look for a job, tagged the CEO of a huge Chicago company in his status, and sure enough the CEO responded and his friend landed a huge job. This is just one prime example of how the pervasive networking through Facebook can have a huge impact on the world and just add to the constant melting pot.

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