Friday, April 29, 2011

Social Media

I would be willing to bet social media is used in some format by every student at Clemson. Whether it be twitter, Facebook, and another popular site, the concept of social media is rapidly taking over the world today. A few years ago MySpace was the premier site for social media. I know in my group of friends if you didn't have a MySpace then you just weren't very cool. Nowadays just about everyone has a Facebook and Twitter is steadily growing as the new fad. Twitter started off as just a place to keep up with your favorite celebrities but has evolved into the newest social media craze. I know personally I used to always be on Facebook. Recently I haven't spent near the time I used to on it however. Words with Friends is also catching on and gaining more and more users each and every day. Words with Friends is basically like an online game of Scrabble where you and your friends take turns spelling words on a game board. With the way social media is growing at a rapid pace, there is no telling what the new craze will be in the next few months.

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